Monday, January 26, 2009

National Recall?

o.k. so America, don't eat peanut butter- apparently it's contaminated with salmonella. Ha! A few of you are reading this, thinking 'really, uh-oh' I must live under the same rock you do and then the vast majority of you are saying out loud ( I can hear you) HELLO! WAKE UP WOMAN! NO KIDDING! Well, I must say I am a great mom- just not at the moment. I think poor David is sick with the bug and I imagine it must be from peanut butter. I am the wise mommy who never leaves home w/o pb & j or crackers. Duh!!! Where have I been? Poor David, if he knew any better, he'd toss his blocks at me- really hard. And who could blame him. Well, under the mask of sarcasm, I am extremely embarrassed and guilty of not paying attention. I just don't watch the news, nor do I read the paper. But, after surviving being thrown up on and changing sheets twice in the past 24 hrs. I am stating a goal to all my faithful and forgiving friends. I plan to get my head out from you know where and pay attention. It's the least I can do, especially for my boys. And for those of you, if any, that didn't know; I hope this helps.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy (belated) New Year

Not a great start to a new year, huh. I am already behind on our blog. I figure going back and recapping is the easiest thing to do, at this point. I am content now that I've realized what a great journal it is keeping a blog, so if I get behind it's o.k. I am killing two birds with one stone. (thanks for enlightening me Kristen) December was a fast month, as I am sure most of you can relate. Every year, I do the same thing; I plan to have my shopping done by Nov. but am still finishing up the week before Christmas. Thankfully, I managed to keep the list small and really focused on the true meaning.... my stressful days were lifted a little higher, and my heart seemed more carefree to share Jesus with others. I enjoyed making bread and bringing gifts to David and Daniel's teachers at school, to show them appreciation for their wonderful care. Brian and I experienced our first Christmas program, and my heart felt soft for David as he sat on stage starring at his classmates and teachers. His little finger probed around in his mouth, like he was searching for the escape button and it was all I could do to not run up and hold him, and wipe the dried tears from his cheeks. He was not in "his glory" and Brian reassured me he was the same way, when he was David's age. The 15 min of agony was fully healed with cookies.

Christmas was somewhat calm. I had to work part of the day, but enjoyed a quiet time with Brian and the boys in the morning and appreciated that special time of "just us". The boys did well at the Christmas eve service and most of the people didn't seem to mind the noisy wheel loader scooting across the floor, from time to time.

New Year's wasn't really much. We were in bed by 10:30 to prepare for our flight the next day. Hopefully, there isn't some true meaning behind the kiss when the clock strikes midnight, b/c we totally miss it every year. I guess we'll have to stick with prayer to set our feet firm. I mean that in a sweet, teasing way. We had a great time visiting with Brian's family in California. Unfortutately we missed our plane in the morning b/c we over slept but God blessed us, and despite the two 5 hr. lay overs we got to fly First Class the whole way. SWEET!! Let me tell you. I was dreading coach on the way back, but it went fine of course and the boys are troopers. I will be posting pics to follow. one of these days. Hang in there I am still learning this blog thing.
I am anticipating a full new year of learning to walk with Jesus, praying more and consistently, appreciating every moment with my kids and Brian, letting go of the things I can't change and getting over me. I believe that God has many things planned for us this year. We are praying about a house, new job opportunities, reading through the Bible and memorizing scriptures together. I can't wait to see how this year unfolds. I am so grateful that our heavenly Father is gracious and give us a new clean slate every day. I know I need it. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 32:5 Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. I hope to concentrate my mind and heart on the word daily. Thanks for the motivation Andrea. I hope all my blessed friends are on a new solid foundation and anticipating a great year also.