Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mommy play day

Caught up with some mommy-friends for a playdate. Katie graciously hosted at her house, with kiddie pools and yummy quiche, chicken salad and lemonade. We met a few new friends, Nicholae and Gina. David and Daniel showed 'em the ropes, jumping and spashing in the pools. Sammy wasn't quite sure about it all, I think he prefers a more "spa-like" experience but needless to say it was fun and relaxing for us moms. It was a nice way to spend my birthday. (yes, this entry is a little late.Teri beat me with the booty shot).
And, David decided to potty train himself. He was hit and miss up until then but went everytime he had to go outside- right on the bushes. (that's the way we do it out at the Borges "ranch"). Since then, he is pretty much 100% when he's at home. I am working on school, he's a little sheepish about the different environment and not having mommy or daddy there to cheer him on. I plan to give it a try tomorrow and hope for the best.
Heard the update from Brian's mom last night. His dad has an aggressive prostate cancer that requires immediate treatment. But, praise Yahweh! as far as they could tell it is contained in his prostate. He'll start tx right away. thanks for the prayers. Keep 'em coming.

David & Daniel after getting soaked, petting the sting rays. Daddy's always the go-to-guy for fun. Daniel before his haircut. Showing off his cute ears. David happy as a lark on daddy's tractor.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A little bit of this. A little bit of that.

I don't know how, but I get so behind with things. Those that know that I'm on facebook probably hate me, b/c I never look at it. Blogging is about all I can handle these days.

To catch up, since David's birthday Brian had his nose surgery. It went very well. He recovered like a champ and surprised both of us with how well it went. He is still a little sore but doing great.

We took the kids to Sea World which was a lot of fun. David & Daniel loved Shamu and David fed the dolphins, which he seemed to get a big kick out of. I hadn't been in years, so I think I enjoyed it just as much as they did. It is much harder to go with kids, however, I wouldn't exactly call it relaxing. I posted some pics of our day.

Last week, Brian's mom called to tell us that his dad's biopsy came back for prostate cancer. It obviously shook us up a bit. He has had further testing this week to assess if it is contained or has spread to other areas. We should know more next week. Hearing the news brought me to realize, we can get so lazy and take so much for granted. Why does it always take something drastic to bring us back where we should be- in daily devotion with God, praying for others, appreciating all that we have. Lately, it has been on my heart that being separated from family makes less sense than it used to. I realize there are issues, like jobs and finances etc. but more and more I wish we could manage to be closer. It is a tall order I know but God has plans for us wherever it may be- I guess I'll leave it up to him. We love you Pappoo!